Product: X12 EDI
Transaction: 834
Article Link:
834 - Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance Transaction Set (834) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set can be used to establish communication between the sponsor of the insurance product and the payer. Such transaction(s) may or may not take place through a third party administrator (TPA).
For the purpose of this standard, the sponsor is the party or entity that ultimately pays for the coverage, benefit or product. A sponsor can be an employer, union, government agency, association, or insurance agency.
The payer refers to an entity that pays claims, administers the insurance product or benefit, or both. A payer can be an insurance company, health maintenance organization (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO), government agency (Medicare, Medicaid, Champus, etc.), or an entity that may be contracted by one of these former groups.
For the purpose of the 834 transaction set, a third party administrator (TPA) can be contracted by a sponsor to handle data gathering from those covered by the sponsor if the sponsor does not elect to perform this function itself.
Segment | Name | Position |
ST | Transaction Set Header | 0100 |
BGN | Beginning Segment | 0200 |
REF | Reference Information | 0300 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 0400 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 0500 |
QTY | Quantity Information | 0600 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | Party Identification | 0700 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 0800 |
N3 | Party Location | 0900 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 1000 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 1100 |
Segment | Name | Position |
ACT | Account Identification | 1200 |
REF | Reference Information | 1300 |
N3 | Party Location | 1400 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 1500 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 1600 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 1700 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 1800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
INS | Insured Benefit | 0100 |
REF | Reference Information | 0200 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 0250 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 0300 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 0400 |
N3 | Party Location | 0500 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 0600 |
DMG | Demographic Information | 0800 |
PM | Electronic Funds Transfer Information | 0900 |
EC | Employment Class | 1000 |
ICM | Individual Income | 1100 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 1200 |
HLH | Health Information | 1300 |
HI | Health Care Information Codes | 1400 |
LUI | Language Use | 1500 |
Segment | Name | Position |
DSB | Disability Information | 2000 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 2100 |
AD1 | Adjustment Amount | 2200 |
Segment | Name | Position |
HD | Health Coverage | 2600 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 2700 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 2800 |
REF | Reference Information | 2900 |
IDC | Identification Card | 3000 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LX | Transaction Set Line Number | 3100 |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 3200 |
N1 | Party Identification | 3300 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 3400 |
N3 | Party Location | 3500 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 3600 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 3700 |
PRV | Provider Information | 3800 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 3900 |
PLA | Place or Location | 3950 |
Segment | Name | Position |
COB | Coordination of Benefits | 4000 |
REF | Reference Information | 4050 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 4070 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 4100 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 4200 |
N3 | Party Location | 4300 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 4400 |
PER | Administrative Communications Contact | 4500 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LC | Life Coverage | 4600 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 4700 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 4800 |
REF | Reference Information | 4850 |
Segment | Name | Position |
BEN | Beneficiary or Owner Information | 4900 |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 5000 |
N1 | Party Identification | 5100 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 5200 |
N3 | Party Location | 5300 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 5400 |
DMG | Demographic Information | 5420 |
Segment | Name | Position |
FSA | Flexible Spending Account | 5500 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 5600 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 5700 |
REF | Reference Information | 5750 |
Segment | Name | Position |
RP | Retirement Product | 5800 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 5900 |
REF | Reference Information | 5920 |
INV | Investment Vehicle Selection | 5940 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 5960 |
QTY | Quantity Information | 5970 |
K3 | File Information | 5980 |
REL | Relationship | 6000 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 6100 |
N2 | Additional Name Information | 6300 |
DMG | Demographic Information | 6510 |
BEN | Beneficiary or Owner Information | 6520 |
REF | Reference Information | 6530 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NX1 | Property or Entity Identification | 6540 |
N3 | Party Location | 6550 |
N4 | Geographic Location | 6560 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 6570 |
Segment | Name | Position |
FC | Financial Contribution | 6600 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 6700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
INV | Investment Vehicle Selection | 6780 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 6790 |
QTY | Quantity Information | 6800 |
ENT | Entity | 6810 |
REF | Reference Information | 6820 |
AMT | Monetary Amount Information | 6830 |
K3 | File Information | 6840 |
Segment | Name | Position |
AIN | Income | 6850 |
QTY | Quantity Information | 6860 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 6870 |
LS | Loop Header | 6880 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LX | Transaction Set Line Number | 6881 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | Party Identification | 6882 |
REF | Reference Information | 6883 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 6884 |
LE | Loop Trailer | 6885 |
Segment | Name | Position |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 6900 |
Notes |
1/0500 | The AMT segment is used to record the total Flexible Spending Account contributions in the transaction set. |
1/0600 | The QTY segment is used to record the total number of subscribers and dependents in the transaction set. |
1/0700 | At least one iteration of loop 1000 is required to identify the sender or receiver. |
2/0100 | A Subscriber is a person who elects the benefits and is affiliated with the employer or the insurer. A Dependent is a person who is affiliated with the subscriber, such as a spouse, child, etc., and is therefore entitled to benefits. Subscriber information must come before dependent information. The INS segment is used to note if information being submitted is subscriber information or dependent information. |
2/0200 | The REF segment is required to link the dependent(s) to the subscriber. |
2/3100 | Loop 2310 contains information about the primary care providers for the subscriber or the dependent, and about the beneficiaries of any employer-sponsored life insurance for the subscriber. |
2/3200 | Either NM1 or N1 will be included depending on whether an individual or organization is being specified. |
2/5500 | Loop 2500 may only appear for the Subscriber. |
rev 05/12/2024