Product: X12 EDI
Transaction: 426
426 - Rail Revenue Waybill
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Rail Revenue Waybill Transaction Set (426) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to respond to a request for a rail revenue waybill. Revenue waybill information includes movement, rates, and charges information required to collect revenue from the paying party or parties.
Segment | Name | Position |
ST | 0100 | |
ZR | Waybill Reference Identification | 0200 |
N9 | 0250 | |
DTM | 0260 | |
CUR | 0270 | |
NTE | 0280 | |
PER | 0290 | |
BX | General Shipment Information | 0400 |
Segment | Name | Position |
BNX | Rail Shipment Information | 0500 |
N9 | 0600 | |
DTM | 0700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N7 | Equipment Details | 0800 |
VC | Motor Vehicle Control | 0900 |
IC | Intermodal Chassis Equipment | 1000 |
G4 | Scale Identification | 1120 |
M7 | Seal Numbers | 1200 |
N5 | Equipment Ordered | 1300 |
GA | Canadian Grain Information | 1350 |
N8 | Waybill Reference | 1400 |
N8A | Additional Reference Information | 1450 |
V9 | Event Detail | 1500 |
F9 | Origin Station | 1600 |
D9 | Destination Station | 1700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
N1 | 1800 | |
N2 | 1850 | |
N3 | 1900 | |
N4 | 2000 | |
PER | 2100 | |
BL | Billing Information | 2160 |
Segment | Name | Position |
S1 | Stop-off Name | 2200 |
S9 | Stop-off Station | 2300 |
PI | Price Authority Identification | 2320 |
Segment | Name | Position |
R2 | Route Information | 2400 |
Segment | Name | Position |
R2B | Junctions and Proportions | 2410 |
R2C | Division Basis | 2420 |
R2D | Miscellaneous Charge | 2430 |
R9 | Route Code Identification | 2600 |
H3 | Special Handling Instructions | 2900 |
PS | Protective Service Instructions | 3000 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LX | Transaction Set Line Number | 3100 |
L5 | Description, Marks and Numbers | 3200 |
Segment | Name | Position |
L0 | Line Item - Quantity and Weight | 3500 |
MEA | 3550 | |
L1 | Rate and Charges | 3600 |
DTM | 3650 | |
PI | Price Authority Identification | 3800 |
CD | Shipment Conditions | 3850 |
Segment | Name | Position |
T1 | Transit Inbound Origin | 4000 |
T2 | Transit Inbound Lading | 4100 |
T3 | Transit Inbound Route | 4200 |
T6 | Transit Inbound Rates | 4300 |
T8 | Free-form Transit Data | 4400 |
L3 | Total Weight and Charges | 4500 |
L1A | Billing Identification | 5000 |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 5300 |
Notes |
1/0400 | BX05 contains the Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) of the original roadhaul carrier receiving the shipment. |
1/2410 | One R2B segment is needed for each line haul carrier participating in the route of the shipment. |
1/2410 | When used to convey a Statement of Difference the proportional amount (R2B03) and all divisions (R2C segments) must be present for the road issuing the SD. For other roads in the route, only the proportional amount is required and the divisions are optional. |
1/2410 | R2B01 must be present and a valid Rule 260 Junction on all occurrences after the first. |
1/2410 | When used to convey a Statement of Difference, all divisions must be present for the road issuing the SD. For other roads in the route, the divisions are optional. |
1/2430 | When communicating more than one Miscellaneous Charge, send subsequent miscellaneous charges on additional R2D segments associated with a road's R2B segment. |
rev 04/12/2024