Product Manager: Digital Asset Export Criteria

Here's how to choose images on export based on two criteria.

Katie Pilcher avatar
Written by Katie Pilcher
Updated over a week ago

Product: Product Manager

You might have different image requirements for various online stores. You may have different images you want to send to eBay vs. Amazon.

For example, Amazon might require a certain sized image or they might require that an image have a white background. In that case, you need to be able to indicate which image should be exported to which channel.

Or you might want to display different images based on season or holiday: a sock that has a beach background in the summer but a snow background in the winter.

With this item criteria feature in Product Manager, you can tag an item based on two different pieces of criteria. Then you could have the system look for items based on these criteria.

So, how does it work?

First, you need to set up a Property Type.

  1. Menu > Product Manager > Digital Assets > Assets Type > Assets Property Type

  2. Click +Add.

  3. Enter a Name.

  4. Click Save.

Next, you would pull up the item/image and add your tags and properties.

  1. Menu > Product Manager > Products

  2. Locate your item and click Edit.

  3. Click Edit in the Digital Assets section.

  4. Select an image and click View.

  5. Click the Details button in the right panel.

  6. Click in the Tags field and add your terms. You might see a list of previously-used tags or you can add your own. If you add a term that is new, the system will prompt you to add the new tag. Click Add New Tag.

  7. Click in the Properties section and click +Add.

  8. Choose a Property Type (instructions above). Type your term in the Value field. If you add a term that is new, the system will prompt you to add the new property. Click Add New Property.

  9. Click Save in the Properties panel.

  10. Click Save at the bottom of the Details panel. If you're unable to see the Save button, click to expand the screen, as shown in the image below.

Here's a short video to show these steps in action!

Exporting - Single Property

After you've added tags and properties, the next important step is to add those terms to the export definition. The export will only pull the appropriate image when these things are true. It allows you more flexibility and control over what goes where – and when.

This would be applied to any image export where you wanted to use the tags/property value.

[myproperty=whatever you want&Tags=sampletags]

Additional tag values can be added but would require all tag values to be present for the image to be selected.

So myproperty would be:

  • Channel = Google

Tags could be:

  • Tags=Cell, Phone

Put it all together and what you see below in bold would pull the first image stored as long as it has channel of Google and tags of Cell AND Phone:

@Image.Image 1@[Channel=Google&Tags=Cell,Phone]

Exporting - Multiple Properties

Let's say you have a property that you use for which direction the image is facing. Let’s call that Property “Image View”.

List of values in a property do not have to be hard coded anywhere (they appear once you type them and show up moving forward like tags do). Lets assume we have used the following values for Image View:

  • Front

  • Back

  • Right Side

  • Left Side

We already know the Channel could be eBay, Shopify, Amazon, etc. And we know the Seasons might be Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.

So we could now use the property to indicate which image we pull based on the direction it is facing. So now, couple that with Channel or Seasons and let’s say this:

You can have a pair of shoes that contain the Seasons Property, Channel Property, and Image View Property. So you could specify on an image export that you only want the Summer image (cause it has a sunny background), meant for eBay (because the eBay image is a high resolution version), that shows the right side view of the shoes.

In this example, it would look like this when it's all put together:

@Image.Image 1@[Seasons=Summer&Channel=eBay&Image View=Right Side&Tags=Socks]

rev: 3/10/21

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