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Nexternal: Tracking Item Lot Numbers and Serial Numbers
Nexternal: Tracking Item Lot Numbers and Serial Numbers
Pamela Topper avatar
Written by Pamela Topper
Updated over a week ago

Product: Nexternal

To track lot numbers and serial numbers of merchandise shipped to customers, navigate to Orders / Preferences / Serial and Lot Numbers, and check the box next to "Use Serial and Lot Numbers".

When this option is active, a "Serial/Lot Numbers" link will appear beneath each line item in the Order on the Order Detail View. This link leads to a popup window, where the user may populate the Serial Numbers, Lot Numbers, and Expiration Dates for the corresponding number of units of the line item selected. This data is typically added during the fulfillment process.

These fields may be exported via the Order Export (Orders / Export / Order Export), imported via the new Serial and Lot Numbers Import (Orders / Import / Serial and Lot Numbers Import), and may be used as criteria for customer order searches (Orders / Advanced Search/Sort / Line Item Search). This data is also available to merchants using the XML tools.


  1. Serial Numbers must be unique for each SKU.

  2. Once activated, deactivating this option will hide the Serial/Lot Numbers Links, but will not delete existing data.

rev: 1/12/21

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