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Pack & Ship: Customizing Your Tiles
Pack & Ship: Customizing Your Tiles

Make things easier on yourself by customizing parts of Pack & Ship!

Katie Pilcher avatar
Written by Katie Pilcher
Updated over a week ago

Product: Pack & Ship

The details about specific orders, products, and packages are displayed inside separate boxes, known as ‘tiles.’ Tiles contain a summary of the details assembled during ship, pack and order processing.

Order Tile

Order tiles are displayed on the Add Orders fly out panel of the Shipping workcenter. Make adjustments to display the most relevant details and/or to allow more tiles to fit on the panel.

Packing Tile

This tile displays on the Package page of the Shipping workcenter for each product in an order. You can change which details are listed and whether or not to include the product image.

Shipping Tile

This tile displays on the Package page of the Shipping workcenter for each package in the shipment. You can adjust which package details are listed and whether or not to include an image. do I change my preferences?

The steps below are similar no matter which tile you are customizing.

Select Pack & Ship > Configuration > User Preferences via the Foundry Menu.

Select the tile configuration you want to change (Order Tile, Packing Tile or Shipping Tile). This opens the configuration page for the tile selected.

On a tile’s configuration page, Available Fields are listed on the left. Selected Fields lists all the fields that are currently displayed (in use) by the tile.

Select the Show Image check box if you want to include an image with the tile (Shipping and Packing tiles only, if images are available).

To configure tile details, do one of the following:

  • If you want to add a field to the items displayed … Select a field from the Available Fields list and drag it to the Selected Fields List.

  • If you want to change the order of displayed items… Drag the selected field and drop it into the desired position.

  • If you made a mistake and wish to reset your changes …Click Cancel on the action bar.

When you are finished, click Save.

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