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Customer Purchasing Groups
Nexternal: Purchasing Groups (Customer Groups) Explanation Text Overview
Nexternal: Purchasing Groups (Customer Groups) Explanation Text Overview

Learn about the Explanations in the Purchasing Groups (Customer Groups) Section of your OMS

Pamela Topper avatar
Written by Pamela Topper
Updated over a week ago

Product: Nexternal

Each of the explanation fields in the Purchasing Groups (Customer Groups) preferences (Customers/Preferences/Customer Groups/Explanations) contains default text designed to apply to most merchants. We anticipate that very few merchants will want to make changes. However, some merchants may want to modify the text specific to their organization and process.

1. The CUSTOMER GROUPS EXPLANATION uses keywords to ensure that Masters, Approvers and Requisitioners each see a different version of this explanation on their account pages.

a) This is the CUSTOMER GROUPS EXPLANATION default text that Masters see on their account pages: (there may be additional blue links depending upon the merchant’s selections in Customers / Preferences):

b) This is the CUSTOMER GROUPS EXPLANATION default text that Approvers see on their account pages. Note that the About Groups paragraph is the same as for Masters, but there is an additional line indicating that this person is an Approver: (there may be additional blue links depending upon the merchant’s selections in Customers / Preferences):

c) This is the CUSTOMER GROUPS EXPLANATION default text that Requisitioners see on their account pages. Note it is the same as the Approver except the person is being designated as a Requisitioner in the extra line: (there may be additional blue links depending upon the merchant’s selections in Customers / Preferences):

2. When Masters click the blue link (seen above in 1.a) to “Manage Groups and Members”, they see the sections below on their account pages. These sections contain the MANAGE GROUPS EXPLANATION default text and the MANAGE MEMBERS EXPLANATION default text.

3. When Masters use the toggle at the top of the screenshot in section 2. above to toggle to “Group Orders”, they see the following GROUP ORDERS EXPLANATION text above the list of orders that do not require approval. If you are offering subscriptions and there are subscription orders, the top dropdown will say “Group Orders and Subscriptions” and the GROUP SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPLANATION text will appear above subscription orders:

4. When Masters use the toggle at the top of the screenshot above to toggle to “Group Pending Orders”, they see this GROUP PENDING EXPLANATION text above the list of orders that require approval:

To set up Purchasing Groups in your Nexternal OMS, please use Guided Tutorials called "Activate Purchasing Groups", parts 1, 2 and 3. (Guided Tutorials are accessed separately from the Support Center in Foundry, through the link to Guided Tutorials in the system navigation under the question mark at the top. In the legacy standalone version of Nexternal they can be accessed through the Guided Tutorials link in the left navigation.)

rev. 2/17/21

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