Transaction Manager: Common Item Specific Errors

Check out this article if you're getting an item specific error when trying to export!

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Product: Transaction Manager

Have you received an error that looks like the samples below? 

"You have no items."

"Item X not found."

“One or more items not associated with an item.”

"Inventory item does not exist..."

"Perform Item Setup."

None of these item errors look familiar? Check out the article Common Item Conversion Errors for additional guidance!

Possible Solution 1

These errors could mean that the Primary Item Field needs to be corrected in your Item Catalog. The Primary Item is a unique value being sent by your Trading Partner on an incoming transaction. This value is defaulted to UPC number in Transaction Manager, so if your Trading Partner is not sending a UPC number, then the Primary Item Field needs to be updated.

Looking at your Item Catalog, you'll know what you have set as your Primary Item Value by looking at the column to the right of the Item Translation column.

Before making any updates, check the transaction that you received from your Trading Partner to see what item values they are sending. Any value they are sending can be used as the Primary Item , as long as it's being sent with each order.

To change the Primary Item from the Trading Partner record, click Preferences in the Action Bar, select Transactions, and then select Translations. Here you will see the Primary Item Field column. Select the new value from the dropdown options and then click Save in the Action Bar.

Check out the Item Catalog and Primary Item tutorial in the Integrations section of TrueCommerce University for a demonstration.

For step-by-step guidance, check out the How to Change the Primary Item Field tutorial in the Foundry Platform.

Possible Solution 2

The Item Translation column works in tandem with the Primary Item column. This is the first column in the Item Catalog, and contains the values for each item that you have in your business system. The value in the Item Translation column needs to match the value in your accounting package exactly (it is case sensitive).

The error could mean that an item on the Purchase Order did not find a match within the Item Catalog OR the translated value is misspelled.

To correct, either add the value to the Item Translation column next to the corresponding Primary Item Value. Ensure that all values are spelled correctly.

Possible Solution 3

The item may not have been added to the inventory in your business system. Check your inventory within your accounting package to make sure all items are present. If new items have been added to your Item Catalog, make sure that the Item Translation column has been populated for those new items!

rev: 11/3/21

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