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xPath - if(//entityInternalId[.='6312']) then('6312-1') else (//entityInternalId)
Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over 6 months ago

Product: Mapping Manager

xPath Sample

if(//entityInternalId[.='6312']) then('6312-1') else (//entityInternalId)

This example assumes that you have placed the xPath Function within a token under the Invoice row within Mapping Manager.

XML Sample - Match Found




<createdDate>6/19/2023 4:33:22 PM</createdDate>

<lastModifiedDate>2/14/2024 2:13:09 PM</lastModifiedDate>


<entityNormalizedName>679 : 631</entityNormalizedName>

<tranDate>6/19/2023 3:00:00 AM</tranDate>


<createdFrom>Sales Order #SO11229</createdFrom>


Result: 6312-1

In this example - since the entityInternalId equals 6312 - the xPath will return the 'then' portion which is hardcoded as 6312-1

XML Sample - No Match




<createdDate>6/19/2023 4:33:22 PM</createdDate>

<lastModifiedDate>2/14/2024 2:13:09 PM</lastModifiedDate>


<entityNormalizedName>679 : 631</entityNormalizedName>

<tranDate>6/19/2023 3:00:00 AM</tranDate>


<createdFrom>Sales Order #SO11229</createdFrom>


Result: 6511

In this example - entityInternalId does not match and as such will return whatever value is inside entityInternalId (6511) since we're pulling the field value, rather than hard-coding it.


  • By using //entityInternalId[.='6312'] we are attempting to select specifically the entityInternalId with a value of 6312

  • When wrapped inside an if() - will be parsed as a boolean (yes/no) value

  • The period within the square brackets represents selecting the node itself

  • We then use the equals (=) sign to check the value

  • We use single quotes to ensure we're checking the value exactly

rev 9/26/2024

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