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Mapping Manager - Function & Logic Cheat Sheet
Mapping Manager - Function & Logic Cheat Sheet

Need a little help writing some logic? Here's a quick cheat sheet to help you out!

Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over a month ago

Product: Mapping Manager

With access to Mapping Manager you can do more than just map a token from one field to the other - you also have the ability to write logic custom to your system that can perform various small tasks, and even base those on conditional requirements of your choosing.

Below is a list of functions and some of their many uses!

Value: Token or hardcoded value
returns : value (in positive form)

The "absolute" function or @ABS() - simply acts like finding the absolute in mathematics - by taking the token or value inputted and converts it into a positive number.


Value: Token
DefaulTranslation: The value/result to use if no match is found (fallback value)
CompareValue1: Comparison value/token against Value variable
TranslationValue1: Return value/token if CompareValue1 equals true

A @CASE statement allows logic that will look at a single token and compare it against multiple values in which will return the most appropriate result based on that comparison.

Only a single return will result at any given time


Token: value to alter
Start Position: Position within the Token to start at
Copy Length: How many characters to copy
return: substring of Token

A @COPY statement takes a given value, and will return a new value based on how where and how many characters you wish to copy.


  • Produce only part of a value

  • Cap the length of a value

Token: Date Token to modify
DaysToAdd: How many +/- days to Add/Subtract from Date Token
SkipWeekends: 1 to skip weekends. 0 (or omit) to indicate weekends are not skipped
return: Modified Date

Modifies a given Date by adding or subtracting days to it



Returns a message when set up for error logic. Used primarily for flat files but can be utilized for frameworking integrations as well. There is a 250 character limit on the message.


Value1: First Value/Token to compare
ComparisonType: Comparison Operator
Value2: Second Value/Token to compare
ValueIfTrue: Result to return if Value1 compares to Value2 based on Comparison Type
ValueIfFalse: Result to return if comparison of Value 1 and Value 2 failed

Provides the ability to check a value, and produce a result based on whether a match was found or not





Not Equal


Greater Than


Less Than


Greater Than or Equal To


Less Than or Equal To




Provides the ability to require multiple conditions to return true before returning the true value



Provides the ability to require any condition to evaluate as true in order to return the true value



Turns a Value into an Integer


Token: The token/value to search against
Substring: The character/word to look for within Token
return: Starting position of Substring (if found) - otherwise -1

Find the start Position of a Specific Character or Word



Returns 1 if Token is fully numeric or 0 if contains string-based characters



Returns how many characters make up Token


Converts any upper-cased characters to lower

TokenCalculation: Combination of Token or Hardcoded value

Wrapper for performing mathematic calculations within a field












returns: Sum of all entries

Totals all found entries with a math calculation added



Rounds Token up to the specific DecimalPlaces defined


Uses Banker's Rounding (rounds from .6 and up, rather than .5)



Drops any decimal places within Token beyond the DecimalPlaces definition


Token: The token to modify/search
SearchFor: Character/Value/Word to find
ReplaceWith: Character/Value/Word to replace SearchFor value with(if found)

Finds a character/value/word and replaces it with the desired text


Token: The token to modify/strip from
CharactersToStrip: Characters (individual) to strip

Removes all characters found within the value/token


CharactersToStrip is a list, not a whole word - if you enter "ABC" it will not strip all words of ABC, but rather strip all As, all Bs, and all Cs from your incoming Token regardless of their position.



Returns + or - sign based on if Token value is positive or negativegative



Totals all found entries of Token



Selects the first value (from left to right) that is not empty (NULL)



Removes any white spaces found



Removes any white spaces found on the left



Removes any white spaces found on the right





Converts any lower-cased characters to upper-case

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rev: 13/02/2025

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