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What's New in Product Manager? (October 2022)
What's New in Product Manager? (October 2022)

See what's available in the new release!

Katie Pilcher avatar
Written by Katie Pilcher
Updated over a week ago

Product: Product Manager

With the latest release of Product Manager, we're rolling out a few updates to make your life easier. We’ve broken the new items into categories. Click the link to go directly to that section.

Flexible Header Import

This new feature provides a mapping option for Subscription Imports that will allow you to map out the headers and the fields you are mapping to inside Product Manager, but the new mapping option does not require those headers to be in specific spots in the import file.

You may be importing data for retailers with many different file layouts that are potentially using the same headers, but in different orders based on the category of the Products being imported.

This makes is simpler for you to put together the import document. It also supports multiple organizations sending in the same data.

Import Errors

New Alert Subscription

When you import data, there are many reasons an import could fail such as invalid data or you might have records that you've determined you don't want to create new in the system.

If you went to Import reports, you could see there was an error but it might not be obvious.

Now you can create an alert subscription which will run when you have an import with errors on it or if you choose, have it run when an import finishes, errors or not.

You would get an on-screen notification (a red icon at the top right) which will show you the error.

You can also set up email alerts. Whether you use the on-screen or email notification, you can set them up on a schedule to only alert/email you in the time period you indicate.

Error count on Import Report

Users today are looking for more information to indicate when certain "behind the scenes" processes experience issues or fail. It is sometimes difficult to seek out this data to understand if something did not process successfully and why.

With this release we have made the count of errors visible on Subscriptions that finished running but experienced errors during the process:

Reminder that you can download the error row to correct it and re-import.

Error Notification at Brand

Much like the new error process for Subscriptions it was challenging to know if there were errors. Now you can see any open errors on a Brand.

Import Reports inside Brand

When you click on the brand, you will see a new column called Import Reports which will be red if there are records in it. You can also see the column showing the number of errors.

Note you can click the Clear All button to clear the error icons.

You can then view that specific import by clicking View.

Export Errors

Additional Options on Alert subscription

When you export data, there are many reasons it could fail. The system would notify users when Publications experience an error writeback for an attempted Product posting. If you went to Import reports, you could see there was an error but it might not be obvious.

Now you can create an alert subscription which will run when you have an publication with errors on it or if you choose, have it run when an export finishes, errors or not.

You would get an on-screen notification (a red icon at the top right) which will show you the error.

Error notification at Channel

Much like the new error process for Publications, it was challenging to know if there were errors. Now you can see any open errors on a Channel.

Publication Details on Channel

When you click on the channel, you will see a new column called Publications which will be red if there are records in it.

Note you can click the Clear All button to clear the error icons.

You can then view that specific record by clicking View.

Custom Source Attribute-Multi Value

Today we have an attribute called Custom Source from which you can only select one value.

Many customers are looking for ways to assign more than one value to an attribute that is chosen from a finite set of values like we use with Custom Source attribute types.

We have created a new attribute type called Custom Source-Multi Value. This will allow for one or many values to be added based on the list of allowable values within the Attribute.

Other Improvements

Changes were made to several areas including Digital Assets, Products, Items, and Inventory History to help increase performance of those pages.

We also made updates to logic to improve large Digital Asset imports as well as Inventory import files.

rev: 10/21/22

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