Product: Transaction Manager
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Error codes outlined in this article:
AK304 Error Codes
The following table lists the error codes used in the AK304 data element of the AK3 segment (Data Segment Note).
Error Code | Condition | Supported? |
1 | Unrecognized segment ID | Yes |
2 | Unexpected segment | Yes |
3 | Mandatory segment missing | Yes |
4 | Loop occurs over maximum times | Yes |
5 | Segment exceeds maximum use | Yes |
6 | Segment not in defined transaction set | Yes |
7 | Segment not in proper sequence | Yes |
8 | Segment has data element errors | Yes |
511 | Trailing separators encountered (custom code) | Yes |
AK403 Error Codes
The following table lists the error codes used in the AK403 data element of the AK4 segment (Data Element Note).
Error Code | Condition | Supported? |
1 | Mandatory data element missing | Yes |
2 | Conditional required data element missing | Yes |
3 | Too many data elements | Yes |
4 | Data element is too short | Yes |
5 | Data element is too long | Yes |
6 | Invalid character in data element | Yes |
7 | Invalid code value | Yes |
8 | Invalid date | Yes |
9 | Invalid time | Yes |
10 | Exclusion condition violated | Yes |
AK501 Error Codes
The following table lists the error codes used in the AK501 data element of the AK5 segment (Transaction Set Response Trailer).
Error Code | Condition | Supported? |
A | Accepted | Yes |
E | Accepted but errors were noted | Yes Note: None of the error codes lead to a status of "E". |
M | Rejected, message authentication code (MAC) failed | No |
P | Partially accepted, at least one transaction set was rejected | Yes |
R | Rejected | Yes |
W | Rejected, assurance failed validity tests | No |
X | Rejected, content after decryption could not be analyzed | No |
AK502 through AK506 Error Codes
The following table lists the error codes used in the AK502 through AK506 data elements of the AK5 segment (Transaction Set Response Trailer).
Error Code | Condition | Supported? / |
1 | Transaction set not supported | Yes/R |
2 | Transaction set trailer missing | Yes/R |
3 | Transaction set control number in header and trailer do not match | Yes/R |
4 | Number of included segments does not match actual count | Yes/R |
5 | One or more segments in error | Yes/R |
6 | Missing or invalid transaction set identifier | Yes/R |
7 | Missing or invalid transaction set control number (a duplicate transaction number may have occurred) | Yes/R |
8 through 27 |
| No |
AK901 Error Codes
The following table lists the error codes used in the AK901 data elements of the AK9 segment (Functional Group Response Trailer).
Error Code | Condition | Supported? / |
A | Accepted | Yes |
E | Accepted, but errors were noted | Yes |
M | Rejected, message authentication code (MAC) failed | No |
P | Partially accepted, at least one transaction set was rejected | Yes |
R | Rejected | Yes |
W | Rejected, assurance failed validity tests | No |
X | Rejected, content after decryption could not be analyzed | No |
AK905 through AK909 Error Codes
The following table lists the error codes used in the AK905 through AK909 data elements of the AK9 segment (Functional Group Response Trailer).
Error Code | Condition | Supported? / |
1 | Functional group not supported | No |
2 | Functional group version not supported | No |
3 | Functional group trailer missing | Yes |
4 | Group control number in the functional group header and trailer do not agree | Yes |
5 | Number of included transaction sets does not match actual count | Yes |
6 | Group control number violates syntax (a duplicate group control number may have occurred) | Yes |
7 through 26 |
| No |
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rev: 12/12/23