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Integration Service
Transaction Manager: Restarting the Integration Service
Transaction Manager: Restarting the Integration Service

If you need to restart the TrueCommerce Integration Service, follow these instructions.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Product: Transaction Manager

The TrueCommerce Integration Service is a locally installed application to facilitate communication between Transaction Manager and your local network (learn more here).

If the event were to stop responding, you may need to restart the service.

Note: Restarting the Integration Service requires Administrator access - please ensure the user restarting the service has the proper permissions

Solution - Restarting the Integration Service Manually

If you need to restart your Integration Service - you can do so by using the Services panel inside your machine.

Navigate: Start Menu

Search & Open: Services

Restarting Service

Locate: Transaction Manager Integration Service

Right Click: Restart

Note: If restarting the service does not resolve your issue - you'll want to Right Click the service again and select Stop. Waiting a minute for the Status to change to Stopped before right clicking again and selecting Start

If the user does not have permission to Stop the service, you will be greeted with an error message indicating so - and as such a restart will not work and you'll need to contact your IT Department to restart the service for you.

Solution - Restart the Machine

If you're unable to restart the Integration Service manually, or it does not seem to solve your issue - you should restart the computer instead.

This will load everything up again on start fresh, allowing for a clean slate for the Integration Service to run

Additional Resources

If you're using Everest...

Whenever attempting to use Transaction Manager / Integrations with Everest โ€“ the operating computer must have the Everest SDK installed for the Integration Service to be able to connect.

If you're using SAP...

After upgrading the Integration Service, a required UDF is expected to be present but is missing from SAP. Add the UDF 'U_TRC_DocLookupID' into SAP.

rev: 5/10/2023

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