Product: X12 EDI
Transaction: 255
Article Link:
255 - Underwriting Information Services
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Underwriting Information Services Transaction Set (255) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This standard can be used to request specific services from information providers in support of the underwriting process. In addition, the standard can be used between trading partners to request/receive status information on outstanding requests.
Segment | Name | Position |
ST | 0100 | |
BGN | Beginning Segment | 0200 |
CUR | 0300 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 0400 |
N3 | 0500 | |
N4 | 0600 | |
REF | 0700 | |
PER | 0800 |
Segment | Name | Position |
ACT | Account Identification | 0100 |
AM1 | Informational Values | 0200 |
PWK | Paperwork | 0300 |
REF | 0400 | |
PER | 0500 | |
DTM | 0600 | |
MSG | Message Text | 0700 |
YNQ | Yes/No Question | 0750 |
NTE | 0760 |
Segment | Name | Position |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 0800 |
N2 | 0900 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LX | Transaction Set Line Number | 0950 |
N3 | 1000 | |
N4 | 1100 | |
ASI | Action or Status Indicator | 1200 |
PER | 1300 | |
DMG | Demographic Information | 1400 |
IND | Additional Individual Demographic Information | 1500 |
CD2 | Multi-Valued Characteristics | 1600 |
MSG | Message Text | 1700 |
Segment | Name | Position |
EFI | Electronic Format Identification | 1800 |
BIN | Binary Data Segment | 2000 |
Segment | Name | Position |
PO1 | 2100 | |
ASI | Action or Status Indicator | 2200 |
DMA | Additional Demographic Information | 2300 |
REF | 2400 | |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 2500 |
MSG | Message Text | 2600 |
LS | Loop Header | 2650 |
Segment | Name | Position |
LX | Transaction Set Line Number | 2700 |
NM1 | Individual or Organizational Name | 2800 |
N2 | 2900 | |
NX2 | Location ID Component | 3000 |
N4 | 3100 | |
REC | Real Estate Condition | 3150 |
IND | Additional Individual Demographic Information | 3200 |
EMS | Employment Position | 3300 |
PER | 3400 | |
CN1 | Contract Information | 3500 |
DTP | Date or Time or Period | 3600 |
CD2 | Multi-Valued Characteristics | 3700 |
REF | 3800 | |
PWK | Paperwork | 3900 |
MSG | Message Text | 4000 |
AM1 | Informational Values | 4020 |
LE | Loop Trailer | 4050 |
SE | Transaction Set Trailer | 4100 |
Notes |
1/0400 | The NM1 loop allows for one or more insurance companies to request the same information. |
2/0100 | The ACT loop is the primary loop for the requested services. It is based on the procurement of services for a unique policy/application/account or other unique identifier for one or more proposed insureds. The ACT segment contains the case identification. |
2/0760 | The NTE segment is used to communicate specific underwriting instructions to the service provider. |
2/0800 | The NM1 loop contains proposed insured's name, address & other information necessary to identify him/her. It is possible that there may be multiple proposed insureds within a policy number in one ACT loop. |
2/1800 | The EFI is included to provide a vehicle for capturing the proposed insured's signature to authorize specific services. |
2/2100 | The PO1 loop contains services requested to be performed by the information provider. |
2/2700 | The LX loop contains detailed information sources used by the information provider in completing their assignments. These could be doctors, clinics, employers, and other references. The LX segment is used as a unique reference number within the PO1 loop. |
rev 29/11/2024