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xPath - Tokenize() function

Split a string based on a delimiter

Micah A. Parker avatar
Written by Micah A. Parker
Updated over 3 months ago

Product: Mapping Manager

The tokenize() function can split text up into multiple pieces by defining a delimiter in order to allow for easier selection of those components.

Example XML

In this example - we are looking at a single XML item that has inserted a Tracking #s Item at the line level and has put the tracking numbers themselves within the Description, each separated by a pipe ( | ) delimiter


<Code>Tracking #s</Code>



Tokenize() Function

The tokenize() function has the ability to split strings into your multiple results. We simply need to point to the description we wish to split and wrap it inside a tokenize() function.

tokenize(path, delimiter)

Be sure to wrap the delimiter in either single or double quotes

Splitting the Tracking #s

You can split the above example simply by pointing to the location of the XML Element and providing it a delimiter to split across.

tokenize(Item[Code="Tracking #s"]/Description,'|')

  • 123456789

  • 23456790

  • 345678912

Each bulletin represents a separate result in our xPath. Giving us a total of 3 results returned.

Selecting a Specific Tracking Number

Since in the previous example we received 3 unique results, we cannot use this within Mapping Manager as is without further selection filtering as Transaction Manager cannot use multiple XML Elements in a single xPath within its Token Mapping

We will need to select each resulting Tracking # individually by using a predicate to select the instance.

tokenize(Item[Code="Tracking #s"]/Description,'|')[1]

  • 123456789

By defining the [1] within the xPath we're limiting our results to being returned to only the FIRST tracking number obtained. We would need to do this with each Tracking # to give it its own unique Token Mapping ability ([2],[3],[4],[...],[last()])

rev 10/17/2024

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