Mapping Manager: Line Item Conversions

How do I remove item rows so they are not sent to my trading partners?

Rebecca Clever avatar
Written by Rebecca Clever
Updated over a week ago

Product: Mapping Manager

Line Item Conversions assign values to an item row during the import into Transaction Manager based on specific criteria (Conditions). Item rows can be removed during import into Transaction Manager so that they will not be sent to your Trading Partners.

Click Rules on the Partner Maps action bar to navigate to the Rules page with the Line Item Conversions tab.

The following table provides a description of the grid columns and action buttons available on the Partner Maps | Rules page.




Determines on what value a condition is performed. Clicking the chevron for a token under this tab populates the Value section of the grid.


Displays the value assigned in Transaction Manager when the Item Conversion statement is true.


Displays value1 to make condition 1 a true statement. Also, the value displayed in the condition 2 row.


Displays value2 to make condition 2 a true statement. Also, the value displayed in the condition 2 row.

New and Delete

Click the New button to create or the Delete button to remove conversions.

NOTE: The Delete button is only available if the Line Item Conversion has already been created.

When you click the plus (+) sign to the immediate left of a specific value under the Line Item Conversions tab or click elsewhere on the value and then click the New button, you will be navigated to the Item Conversion Rules page to assign values to an item row.

  • For example, a shipping charge may be included with an item (goods) charge on an invoice within a Project. The shipping charge does not represent the item itself that was sold to the customer, but it is recorded with the item in the Project (as $20 for the Item, and with $5 on a second line below the item as the shipping charge). The project Invoice will show a total of $25. However, the expectation will be that only the actual goods at the line level, not the shipping cost, will be shown when the data is sent back to Amazon. Using Mapping Manager's Line Item Conversion function, the customer can ensure that if the shipping value is included at the line level, it will be removed from the line while the item data will remain on the line in the Invoice.

    Data can also be added using Line Item Conversions.

To populate the Value (bottom) field on the Conversion Details grid, select the action that will occur (that will populate the Token field) when the Condition(s) is/are met (when the statement is true) from the Tokens tab.

Select the criteria for the Line Item Conversion in the Conditions (top) field from the Entity Definitions (middle) tab.

  • Continuing with the bulleted example, above, the screenshot immediately below shows the ITEM_COST Token, the Condition is selected and =(CS String Compare) selected from the Condition Comparison drop-down with "Shipping" entered by the user in the Conditions field, plus the Value entered and the Remove Item box checked under Options to remove it in the Line Item Conversion. To save it, click the Save button.

    To edit an existing Line Item Conversion once it has been saved, click the Edit button on the Rules page and make any changes desired, then click Save.

Conversion Details

The Conversion Details grid on the Line Item Conversions page is where all of the fields are assigned.

This table provides a detailed description of the Conversion Details grid.




Transaction Manager fields used to determine when the statement is performed.


Value assigned in Transaction Manager when the statement is true.

Remove Item

If enabled, the item row (Condition) will be removed during import into Transaction Manager when the statement is true.

Item Level

If enabled, Mapping Manager will check to ensure the Project Value being imported is a line item.


Project field used to determine when the statement is executed.

rev: 2/11/22

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