Product: Mapping Manager
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xPath is capable of performing Mathematical Operations across multiple nodes in order to produce a result.
Example XML
<Description>Widget A</Description>
<Description>Widget B</Description>
<Description>Widget C</Description>
Mathematical Operations
| Operator |
Add | + |
Subtract | - |
Multiply | * |
Divide | div |
Summary/(Subtotal + TaxAmount)
In the Summary group there is a Subtotal and a TaxAmount - we can combine these together by adding them together
Summary/(Subtotal - DiscountAmount)
We can subtract the Discount from the Subtotal to give us a Total Amount fairly easily
//Item[3]/(Quantity * UnitPrice)
The third item in the XML has a Quantity of 10 and a UnitPrice of 15.00
By multiplying those two together - you end up with a 175 as the result.
Since our pathing is done through the typical division sign of a forward slash - you can divide by typing out 'div' in between your desired operand.
Summary/(TaxAmount div Subtotal)
The Summary group is missing the Tax Rate, we can easily divide the TaxAmount by the Subtotal in order to calculate that rate. 42.50 / 425 is equal to .10, (10%)
rev 10/18/2024